As with any municipal department or function, the type and number of staff will be constrained by budgets.
It is worth noting that in many respects, numerous types of municipal staff are likely already involved in dealing with stormwater and hence Green Infrastructure. For example,
Planning and Zoning: These staff (planners, zoning administrators, etc.) review land development proposals for consistency with a municipality’s regulations. This review typically includes addressing issues that directly or indirectly affect stormwater such as parking, landscaping, overall lot coverage, erosion control specifications during construction, etc.
Public Works: These staff (road foremen, engineers, public works directors, etc.) are on the front lines of stormwater management. They can make sure that proposed development uses good stormwater management techniques that absorb as much rainfall on the property as is feasible. They can also make sure that municipal infrastructure such as roads, ditches, swales, culverts and bridges are properly sized and constructed so as to reduce the likelihood of it being damaged in a severe rainstorm event.
Fire Department: These staff have a great impact in the design and layout of roads and parking as they seek to have ready access to buildings to deploy equipment and personnel. In the past, in some cases, this concern has often lead to the construction of very wide roads and areas for traffic circulation within a parking lot and parcel. While this concern is valid, early conversations among City staff and property owners can lead to mutually-agreeable solutions that facilitate access while reducing stormwater flow such as narrower sections of roads when not adjacent to homes and businesses and the use of pervious pavers or pervious concrete. Plastic turf reinforcing grids or lawn seeding over gravel can be used in bump-outs, parking island ends or other areas where the turn radius for a fire engine must be accommodated but which internally circulating cars can avoid.
Boards and Commissions: As noted in the Land Development Regulations page and the Plans page, municipalities can take a proactive role to reducing stormwater runoff by establishing regulations and policies that promote Green Infrastructure. Planning Commissions, with subsequent approval by the Selectboard or voters can work to establish zoning districts that protect key habitat or require stricter stormwater controls and can also revise zoning bylaws to aid in reducing the amount of required parking spaces or require preservation of as much vegetation as feasible. Zoning Boards of Adjustments and Development Review Board can also engage in a conversation with developers to see how projects might be modified to reduce impervious cover while still meeting the goals of a residential or commercial development project.