As with any other type of policy or program at the municipal level, the extent to which a municipal Green Infrastructure Program is successful depends on whether its principles and practicesare embedded in municipal zoning bylaws, subdivision regulations and ordinances.


Zoning Bylaws

In Vermont, zoning bylaws typically specify:


Subdivision Regulations

Municipal Regulations are key because of the numerous factors and mechanisms that indirectly or directly manage stormwater including but not limited to:


Here are some useful Checklists and/or Model language to evaluate how your municipal regulations can be improved in order to reduce the impacts of stormwater on daily basis.
Vermont Green Stormwater Infrastructure / Low Impact Development Municipal Review Template (Word Document)
Zoning Checklist by Vermont ANR (Excel Document)
Vermont League of Cities and Towns LID/GSI Model Bylaw [October] (Word Document)
Center for Watershed Protection Codes & Ordinance Worksheet (PDF)
Missouri - Integrating Green Infrastructure Into Ordinances (PDF)
Massachusetts - Low Impact Development Checklist (PDF)
EPA - Water Quality Scorecard (PDF)