Community Planning Toolbox |
The Community Planning Toolbox introduces users to the issues, techniques and resources for planning for Vermont's downtowns and villages, as well as the natural resources that surround them. It features case studies and sample tools that demonstrate how other communities have addressed similar challenges to those facing your community. |
Vermont's Regional Planning Commissions provide municipalities in each region with a wide range of planning services and should be the first stop for local officials seeking planning assistance.
Vermont Department Housing and Community Development (DHCD) – Community Planning and Revitalization Division administers the municipal planning grant program, coordinates state planning policy initiatives and training, publishes guidance for local officials and will provide phone or email assistance to local officials.
Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) - Municipal Assistance Center is staffed by six professionals with diverse backgrounds in municipal law, land use planning and administration, and water resources protection. The Center fields telephone inquiries from all elected and appointed municipal officials, maintains a comprehensive online resource library of handbooks, reference and training materials, and sponsors workshops on current issues affecting municipal government. The MAC team is also available to contract with municipalities for individualized assistance, including customized onsite workshops, and ordinance and policy drafting and review.
Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC) works to guide development in ways that reinforce our existing downtowns and village centers, while also maintaining the economic vitality of the farms and forests that define Vermont's working landscape. They provide technical assistance to towns on energy planning, downtowns/village planning, and on managing farm, forest, and wildlife resources. VNRC offers technical assistance on a contract basis, as well as through various grant programs.
State Permit Assistance Division – Vermont Agency of Natural Resources has regional Permit Specialists who can answer questions about state environmental permitting. For information specifically about Act 250, Vermont’s state land use permitting process, contact the coordinator at your District Environmental Commission.
Vermont Planners Association (VPA) is a statewide, non-profit, membership-based organization of professional and citizen planners, landscape architects, engineers, development specialists, and others who support good planning. VPA supports the planning profession through outreach, professional development opportunities and encourages all members to maintain an open dialogue on contemporary planning issues, especially through its members-only list serve.
Safe Routes to School Resource Center is a one-stop shop for practical advice and information on training and funding opportunities, and information about available resources in their region to help make walking and biking popular choices for kids traveling to and from school.
VPIC's Planning & Zoning
For handbooks, manuals, templates, check-sheets and other tools with information on local land use planning and bylaw adoption, development regulation and review, and the state rules (24 V.S.A. Chapter 117) that govern these activities.
Vermont State Statutes – Title 24 Chapter 117
Law governing local land use planning and regulation in Vermont. Start by checking out the Purpose and Goals in §4302.
Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI)
VCGI is a public nonprofit that serves as the state geospatial data warehouse (mapping data) as well as a resource for those wishing to learn more about mapping technology. They provide training and professional development conferences at various times of year and always present at the Town Officers Education Conferences.
Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
For further information on the State's programs that support local planning and implementation.