To achieve long term success in developing and “building” Green Infrastructure, it is necessary to implement it through town plans, storm water master plans and ultimately municipal regulations and programs. However, given the many challenges faced by Vermont municipalities it may take several years before this becomes the norm.
In the interim, therefore, the adoption of Green Infrastructure principles and techniques can be promoted through the efforts of volunteers and partner organizations. Here’s a listing by county of just some of the local and regional organizations that can engage with your citizens and businesses and teach them how to incorporate Green Stormwater Infrastructure Practices into their daily routines and provide technical assistance.
Addison County
Addison County River Watch Collaborative
Middlebury College Environmental Studies Program
Middlebury Area Land Trust
Bennington County
Batten Kill Watershed Alliance
Bennington County Conservation District
Hoosic River Watershed Association
One World Conservation Center
Central Vermont (Orange & Washington Counties)
Friends of the Mad River
Friends of the Winooski River
Mad River Planning District (Fayston, Waitsfield, Warren)
Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District
Chittenden County
Chittenden County Stream Team
Friends of the Winooski River
Lake Iroquois Association
Lewis Creek Association & LaPlatte River Partnership
Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District
Northwest Region (Franklin & Grand Isle Counties)
Franklin County Stormwater
Friends of Northern Lake Champlain
St. Albans Area Watershed Association
Missisquoi River Basin Association
Franklin Watershed Association
Farmer’s Watershed Alliance
Lamoille County
Lamoille County Conservation District
Vermont Association of Conservation Districts
Lamoille River Paddlers
Lake Eden Association
Lake Elmore Association
Our CROs/ Watershed team through High Meadows Fund
Friends of Green River Reservoir
Friends of Zack Woods Pond
Green Mountain Club
Stowe Land Trust
Cambridge Conservation Commission
Morristown Conservation
Northeast Kingdom (Essex, Caledonia & Orleans Counties)
Caledonia County Natural Resources Conservation District
Essex County Natural Resources Conservation District
Orleans County Natural Resources Conservation District (802) 334-8325
Northwoods Stewardship Center
Memphremagog Watershed Association
Connecticut River Joint Commission (and subcommittees)
Sterling College (Craftsbury)
Rutland County
Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District
Rutland Natural Resources Conservation District
Green Mountain College Sustainability Office
Castleton University Sustainability & Green Campus Initiatives
Lake Bomoseen Association
Lake St. Catherine Association
Lake St. Catherine Conservation Fund
Lake Hortonia Property Owners Association
Tinmouth Pond Lake Association (802) 446-3575
Glen Lake Association
Echo Lake Property Owners Association
Burr Pond Association
Lake Beebe Property Owners Association
Neshobe Beach Club, Inc.
Highland Water Supply Association
Green Mountain Fly Tyers Association
Southeastern Vermont (Windham & Windsor Counties)
Black River Action Team
Central Vermont Chapter Trout Unlimited
Connecticut River Joint Commissions
Connecticut River Watershed Council
Deerfield River Watershed Alliance
Friends of the Green River
Greater Upper Valley Chapter Trout Unlimited
Lake Rescue Association (Ludlow)
Mt. Ascutney Subcommittee of the Connecticut River Joint Commissions
Ottauquechee Natural Resources Conservation District
Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance
Weathersfield Conservation Commission
West Windsor Conservation Commission
White River Natural Resource Conservation District
White River Partnership
Windham County Natural Resources Conservation District
Regional & Statewide Organizations
Friends of the Winooski River
Lake Champlain Basin Program
Lake Champlain International BLUE® Program
Lake Champlain Sea Grant
Let It Rain Vermont
The Nature Conservancy
US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service
UVM Watershed Alliance
Vermont Association of Conservation Districts
Watersheds United Vermont